Walter Francis and Mary Dillingham Frear Scholarship Fund

History:  This fund was established to honor Walter F. and Mary Dillingham Frear by providing funding in perpetuity to assist students attending any campus within the University of Hawai'i system.

Walter Francis Frear devoted his life to serving the people of Hawai'i. He was a lawyer, a jurist, the chief justice and the governor of the Territory of Hawai'i, an innovator in civic organizations and a published author on subjects concerning Hawai'i, but from his early days his paramount interest was in the judiciary.

Frear was the son of the Rev. Walter Frear and Fannie E. Foster. Born in Grass Valley,
California on October 29, 1863, he was descended on his father’s side from Huges Frere, a French Huguenot, who immigrated from Flanders and settled in New York in 1676, and on his mother’s side by George Soule, a pilgrim aboard the Mayflower.

Born in Honolulu on June 30, 1870, Mary was a daughter of Benjamin F. Dillingham, one of the most prominent businessmen and entrepreneurs in Hawai'i, and Emma Louis Smith, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Lowell Smith, who had come to Hawai'i from New England in May of 1833 with the sixth group of American Protestant missionaries. The Frears brought up two daughters, Virginia, who married Urban E. Wilde a lawyer in Honolulu, and Margaret.

Mary Frear filled many roles, as mother and homemaker, as well as companion and partner to her husband in all his political, legal, cultural, and civic responsibilities and interests. She helped to organize the local branch of the YWCA and the College Club of Honolulu, was a regent of the University of Hawai'i, active in the Daughters of Hawai'i, and took lead parts in the Little Theatre. Often the approach of the Frears to a community need or an intellectual problem was different, but their goals were always similar. She helped to found the YWCA and the YMCA. While she was a gifted author of prose and poetry, particularly on Hawaiian subjects, he was an able historian of Hawaiian law and a biographer who wrote entertainingly on Mark Twain in Hawai'i.

Description:  This fund is established to honor Walter F. and Mary Dillingham Frear by providing funding in perpetuity to assist students attending any campus within the University of Hawaii system. Funds shall be used to assist with all costs associated with attendance (e.g tuition, books, fees, meals, supplies, etc.) for students pursuing studies at the undergraduate or graduate level.
Level:  Undergraduate or graduate
High School:  Hawai'i high school
Residency:  State of Hawai'i Resident
GPA:  GPA of 3.0.
Enrollment Status:  Full-time or part-time
Contact Person:  Student Services
Contact Department:  Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs
Contact Address:  2444 Dole St, Bachman Annex 9-6
Honolulu, HI 96822
Contact Website:
Contact Phone:  (808) 956-6203
Contact Email:  [email protected]
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